The Art of You

Recipe for referrals

How to attract so many clients you’ll need a waitlist

Step 1

Refine your focus.

Focus your services on a particular need.

  • Have a simple one-liner that clearly describes what you’re focused on and who you’re perfect for (the more specific, the better). For example: “I specialize in designing large, comfortable kitchens, perfect for people who love cooking with family around.”

  • Create interiors your clients love.

  • Create an experience your clients love.

Step 2

Have an outreach strategy.

With a message that sticks

  • Have a number of ways to reach out to people you know, people you meet, or have other connections with.

  • Have a simple one-liner to confidently and effectively ask for referrals. For example: “If you know anyone who loves cooking with family around but doesn’t love their kitchen, please send them my way. I’d be happy to answer any questions they have.”

  • Have a number of ways to thank people for referrals they send.

Step 3

Build a compelling website.

It should present your message clearly, showcase your interiors beautifully, and brand your business uniquely.

  • Have a compelling website that turns those referrals into initial phone calls.

  • Have an initial consultation that’s easy for clients to buy (we can help with this).

  • Create an initial impression that makes hiring you an easy YES!