How to ACE your website

The purpose of your website is to get your phone ringing. Here’s how you can ACE it.

A - attract
C - connect
E - educate

1. Attract CLIENTS

Attracting a client is about making a promise, then building credibility. There are dozens of factors that go into this, from the imagery to the user experience of your website.


Your industry is relationship based, and connection is key. Creating connection with potential clients is a matter of expressing yourself with authenticity. If you are a solo, writing from the first-person perspective can help create connection with the reader.

3. Educate CLIENTS

This is the piece that most websites miss. No two designers are quite the same, and clients want to know what makes you different and what to expect if they work with you.


This has been a overview of how to level up your website. For examples of these concepts, have a look through my portfolio. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I’ll be happy to speak with you.



Yian Q